Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I am really bad at updating this thing

I am really bad at updating my blog so now that I have it on my mind I will give a quick little update here.
My trip back home was amazing. It was so nice to go away for a while. My trash the dress was great, there are a lot of good pictures coming my way. So I cant wait to get that disc from her. It should be here soon and when it is I will post some pictures up here. I got a few more pages done in my scrapbook. Slowly moving forward with that. I almost finished our engagement one. I have one page left. I finished my bridal shower pages. And now.... I need to start our wedding album... dreading that one. For the mean time I am making a coffee table book with all the pictures. So far I am at 70 some pages.

Now that I am back in Flag, I finally got a job. Whoo!! About time right? It only took 3 months to get one. I work at Michael's and its pretty fun so far. It will be nice to actually do something again instead of sitting at home all day. Although I kind of miss that!

Anyways that is my update for the mean time. I am sure I will be back in a week means I seem to do this weekly. haha

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What I have been doing

It's been a while since I posted...I think about 2 weeks. Figure I should do an update on what is going on in the wonderful world of Kelsey!
-For starters I finished my project of making paintings and they look pretty good. I am not happy with one right now but I will figure out what to do with it some time. I dont know if I want to re-do it or make it better some how. Any suggestions on it would be greatly appreciated!!
-Our apartment is pretty much put together. Its missing a few things here and there but other than that its pretty darn good. It is now our home...for 3 years!
-Wednesday I am heading back to Colorado for a much needed break for almost a week. I am really looking forward to having a life and socializing again. Lately my life has been sitting in our apartment and being online. Fun stuff!
-Thursday night at 5pm I am trashing my wedding dress with one of my Bridesmaids Emily. She is getting in her bridesmaid dress and is doing it with me. I am sooooo excited to be finally doing this. After I trash it, I want to cut parts of the dress (the cleaner parts) to make a Christening dress for my daughter one day, I also want a few squares for when I make a quilt. So pictures will be up of TTD soon!
-Friday night I am scrapbooking with my mommy. From 6-midnight. It is going to be fun, I just hope I can get some creative energy going that night! Else its not going to be fun. Hopefully I can get a lot done that night. I need to finish our engagement album, start our wedding and honeymoon. I still have to scrapbook Boston, California, and Chicago. I got lots to do!!
-Sunday a whole bunch of us are going to go to a corn maze. Its going to be wicked fun. I am very excited about that. I haven't been to one since my senior year.

Random Updates:
-I got a job at Michael's. I should start when I get back from Colorado. I am looking forward to getting out and doing something again. It has almost been a year since I worked....and I am very bored.
-I am doing a friends wedding pictures. I am her second photographer which is very exciting. I am building the "wedding" section in my portfolio up. I am also doing a friends trash the dress session in Flordia this summer. I am so excited about that one too. Slowly but surely my business is starting to come together. Now I just need Ben to finish my website and I would be good to go.
I believe that is all I have for right now. I hope everyone is doing well on this Sunday afternoon!